Fizeau Program

The Fizeau exchange visitors program in optical interferometry funds (travel and accommodation) transnational visits of researchers to an institute of their choice (within the European Community or associated countries) to perform collaborative work and training on one of the active topics of the European Interferometry Initiative. The visits will typically last one month, strengthening the network of astronomers engaged in technical, scientific and training work on optical/infrared interferometry. The program is open for all staff levels (PhD students to tenured staff) from any institute. The scope of the exchange can be research, technical or training. Non-EU-based missions will only be funded if considered essential by the Fizeau Committee.

Researchers willing to visit the VLTI Expertise Centres are strongly encouraged to use this programme to fund the exchange.

There are two calls per year (cf. Regulations for details). Exceptional calls might be issued.

Inquiries and applications should be sent to

This program is currently funded by WP 17 via the OPTICON/RadioNET Pilot Program (grant agreement 101004719). Previous funding was obtained by WP11.3 via OPTICON/Horizon 2020 (2017-2020, grant agreement 730890). WP14 of OPTICON/FP7 II (2013-2016, grant number 312430) and WP11.2 of OPTICON/FP7 (2009-2012, grant number 226604).